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CED Organized the South Asia Launch of Connect to Grow

March 10, 2016

CED-BRAC University organized the South Asia Launching Ceremony of Connect to Grow, the enterprise matchmaking initiative supported by the UK government, on 9 March 2016 at BRAC Centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2pm to 6pm.

The Bangladesh event commences the search for enterprises in the region who are ready to partner with innovative companies, to grow their business- and have a positive impact on the lives of the poor. Connect to Grow is looking for for-profit, not for profit or social enterprises based in South Asia who currently benefit or have the potential to benefit the health and agri-food outcomes of the poor.

The programme supports enterprises who may see opportunities to grow but lack the time, knowledge or resources to explore them. It does this by helping them find suitable, trusted partner enterprises in India that are looking to expand to other South Asian countries through mutually beneficial partnerships. The programme provides one on one support to eligible enterprises to help them develop a proposition together, broker the right partnership agreement, implement a pilot, and create a plan to scale.

The launching program was coordinated by Ms Afshana Choudhury (Program Manager, CED, BRACU), and Ms Parveen Huda (Managing Director, Renaissance Consultants Ltd).

Kha 224, Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
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