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Ongoing Project

Facilitating Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs working with Renewable Energy, Low-Carbon, and Climate-Resilient Businesses (EmPower Phase II)

Funded by UNEP and UN Women [2023-2025]

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) of BRAC University (BRACU) is actively involved in the project titled “Facilitating Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs working with Renewable Energy, Low-Carbon, and Climate-Resilient Businesses (EmPower Phase II),” funded by UNEP and UN Women from 2023 to 2025. This project marks a significant effort to enhance the capacity of women entrepreneurs engaged in renewable energy, low-carbon, and climate-resilient businesses, aiming to create new opportunities in clean energy while preparing them for potential investments. Building upon the successes of EmPower Phase I, this initiative underscores the commitment to empower women in critical sectors. Recognizing the importance of gender mainstreaming in climate change and sustainable development, the project focuses on facilitating access to finance for women entrepreneurs in these sectors. It seeks to establish a comprehensive directory of women entrepreneurs, incorporating specific inclusion criteria to ensure diverse representation. Collaborative efforts with partner organizations, including government departments and renewable energy associations, will support data collection and outreach. Through surveys, interviews, and a rigorous verification process, the project aims to compile a user-friendly directory featuring profiles of at least 300 women entrepreneurs, thereby fostering gender-responsive climate actions and advancing sustainable development goals.
Kha 224, Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
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KHA 224, Progati Sarani, Merul Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
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